Engraved Plates Ideal for Scrapbooking, Personalised a Gift, Trophies etc...

Choose From the Below Sizes

S1 31x27mm
S2 31x30mm (most popular, and the one in the picture)
S3 40x36mm
S4 24x23mm

Number of Lines 1 to 3 lines (maybe more lines depending on the size of shield selected)

Metal Plate Colours : Silver

All plates come with an Adhesive Back

Fonts Choose from : Gothic, Roman, Script, Helevetica (italic is an option)
Will use Gothic (most popular) if no font to advised)

You are buying just 1 metal plate engraved with your requirements

Please advise the engraving details at time of checkout either in note to seller in eBay or in note to seller when using Paypal.

To order 

Use the buy it now feature

Advise Size S1 , S2, S3, S4

Text details and how many lines.