Ötzi, the Iceman: The Full Facts at a Glance

Paperback / Softback
Fleckinger, Angelika
Folio, Wien
5., überarb. Aufl.
120 pages; durchgehend Farbabbildungen; 200 x 117 x 10 mm
Jungsteinzeit / Neolithikum; Kindersachbuch/Jugendsachbuch, Ötzi (Gletschermumie); Kindersachbuch/Jugendsachbuch
EUR 10,60 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Ötzi, the Iceman
Old and exhausted, with an arrowhead lodged in his shoulder - this is how the Iceman met his death 5,300 years ago. Since the discovery of the glacier mummy, a window has been opened on this unexplored, often misunderstood period of history: Ötzi expert Angelika Fleckinger summarises what experts from a variety of disciplines have painstakingly unearthed about Ötzi's life and death in research lasting many years. Superbly detailed close-ups and impressive general views, including colour pictures of the Iceman's equipment and clothing, bring to life one of the most sensational archaeological finds to date. Everything you wanted to know about the Iceman, in authoritative, compact and vivid descriptions.
Old and exhausted, with an arrowhead lodged in his shoulder - this is how the Iceman met his death 5,300 years ago. Since the discovery of the glacier mummy, a window has been opened on this unexplored, often misunderstood period of history: Ötzi expert Angelika Fleckinger summarises what experts from a variety of disciplines have painstakingly unearthed about Ötzi's life and death in research lasting many years. Superbly detailed close-ups and impressive general views, including colour pictures of the Iceman's equipment and clothing, bring to life one of the most sensational archaeological finds to date. Everything you wanted to know about the Iceman, in authoritative, compact and vivid descriptions.
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