Munich, Idion Verlag, 1977-79. 18.5" x 12.5". Folio. Together (1282) pages. Commentary volume: 200 pages. Example of the splendid binding: Blind-embossed light brown OK calfskin bindings over 5 frets and with heavy wooden covers, each with 10 solid, multiple openwork forged brass fittings with hexagonal bosses and 2 clasps each (including a hasp with a small missing piece at the end of the hook). Commentary volume in linen.

Language: Latin

Remarks: *Was published in an edition of 895 numbered copies. - The full color facsimile contains around a hundred colored miniatures in collotype print in four to twelve colors with gold foil overlay. The paper is a custom-made Van Gelder handmade paper with the watermark of the ox head with staff and star used by Gutenberg. - The template for the facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible was one of the most magnificent copies with the signature Inc. 1511 of the Berlin State Library: "The Berlin B 42, old property of the Electoral Brandenburg House and therefore one of the oldest printed publications in today's Prussian Cultural Heritage State Library belongs, is rightly considered one of the most beautiful among the surviving copies of this important work of Johannes Gutenberg's printing art. Mid-15th century Printed in Mainz in the 19th century, the book was sent to the diocese of Meißen to be classified and illuminated, to a well-respected illumination workshop at the time, to which we owe the artistically high-quality, colorful furnishings" (Ekkehart Vesper). - This is a copy of the edition, made in just a few copies, with the magnificent binding. "The cover of the Erfurt master with the lute player and the knot around 1460, today in the Hessian State Library in Fulda, was reworked for part of the edition in terms of material and technology true to the original by the Ernst Ammering bookbindery in Ried/Austria." - One of the hasps at the top has a small broken piece (hook), otherwise very well preserved. - [High weight (approx. 25 kg): International shipping overseas: approx.