Avondale Caravan 

c 1980s

Nice shape and roof line 

Needs a power wash ( that's only a few months of green )
 will leave for new owner to clean 
first three photos were taken last summer 

Windows good but need rubbers

I have stripped this out - about 90%
Some leaking - but easy to see now that it's been emptied
( messy work almost done - ceiling and parts of end left only) 

Intended to use on my allotment but I have a port-a-cabin now ( an even bigger project lol ) 
so this is now surplus to needs 

I'll update the size asap 

It was towed onto the plot from around the corner - you'll have to have a look to see if it will tow  
but the wheels look ok, and the hitch is fine

I also have the name of a fellow who might be able to transport it 

Collection only 
Message me to set up a time to view if required

I am happy to keep it here until you can move it , but would like it moved by March

South Dumfriesshire location - DG