Print on Canvas of Oil Painting Arseni ~ HOLIDAYS. Capriana monastery 16" X 12"  NO FRAME Art USA.

About the picture:
Children - one of the important themes of my work.
 "Jesus called a little child, set him in the midst of them and said, Verily I say unto you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven; and so,  whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" Matthew , chapter 18, verse 2-4.

40 km north-west of Chisinau, one of the oldest monasteries of Moldova Capriana is located. The date of the foundation of the monastery was 1429. For a long time the monastery of Capriana served as the residence of the Metropolitan of Moldova. This monastery was patronized by gentlemen, including Stefan the Great, here lived the chronicler Ephthymius and one of the first poets of Moldova Kiprian.
In 1429 the monastery of Capriana was built of wood. In 1545, the Dormition Church was built from stone. In 1840 the winter church of St. George was built, and in 1903 - the Nikolaevsky church.
Capriansky Monastery contains in its walls at that time the largest monastery library. It contains valuable donations of the Lords, valuable manuscripts.
In 1947, all the monks were expelled from the Capriana Monastery. The monastery itself is turned into a sanatorium for children with tuberculosis. Officially, the monastery was closed in 1962. In 1989 the Capriana monastery was reopened, and restoration work began.