Life Sheet Music for Piano and Low Voice in C
Lyrics by Mary Stuart Cutting, Music by Pearl G. Curran
Schirmer, 1919, 5 pages

Condition as shown in photos. Somewhat worn and aged. Small splits at top and bottom of crease. A few pencil markings.

From Wikipedia:
Mary Stewart Doubleday Cutting (1851–1924) (in some places referred to as Mary Stuart Cutting) 
was an author of domestic realism novels and short stories.

Pearl Gildersleeve Curran (1875 – 1941) was an American librettist and composer of art songs and works for chorus. Caruso premiered her song Life, and it was the only American composition on the choral program at the 1934 music festival in Budapest.

We are a small non-profit in Birmingham, Alabama.
We sell donated sheet music and method books that we cannot use in our Scrollworks program at this time.
All proceeds from our sales are used to provide instruction on orchestral instruments, piano and voice to children who otherwise would not have access, including children with disabilities.