BlackBerry Bold Made Simple: For the BlackBerry Bold 9700 Series

Paperback / Softback
Mazo, Gary; Trautschold, Martin
Springer, Berlin
1st ed.
436 pages; 436 p.; 32 x 191 x 235 mm
BlackBerry, Apps, Blackberry, e-Book, music, time, video, Apple
EUR 48,14 (inkl. MwSt.)
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BlackBerry Bold Made Simple
BlackBerry devices are active in the hands of nearly 40m consumers and professionals. The Bold has about approx 5m subscribers. Written by BlackBerry trainers and authors, this book aims to be the first guide to the new BlackBerry Bold 9700 family of devices.

You've chosen well-with elegant design, a high-res display, and a speedy processor, the Bold is a top-notch device. Now learn how to take advantage of all the features with this easy-to-read guide from two of the best BlackBerry trainers in the business.

BlackBerry Bold Made Simple teaches you how to get the most out of your BlackBerry Bold. You'll explore all the features and uncover time-saving techniques-from emailing and scheduling to video recording and expanding memory-all through easy-to-read instructions and detailed visuals. Written by two successful BlackBerry trainers and authors, this is simply the most comprehensive and clear guidebook to the BlackBerry Bold available.

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