Zero Trace Charms®

Limited Edition

Made with high quality stainless steel and enamel.

One size fits all.

Designed by ████ █████.


As a master jeweler blends precious metals and stones into a work of art, so too does this charm bracelet blend the essence of the digital underground into a wearable symbol of our era. Each charm bypasses ordinary symbolism, tapping into the deep, often unspoken realities of our digital age.


Our journey in creating this bracelet took a turn into the extraordinary. It began with a fleeting encounter in the realms of ██████ ███, where one ██ ██████ █████ █████ document on the dark web. This whispered tale, however, is merely the prelude to the bracelet’s true essence.


This bracelet is not just an accessory; it’s a talisman for those navigating the shadowy corners of the internet. It’s meticulously engineered to serve as a guardian against the unforeseen perils lurking in the depths of the web.


Each charm – the Zero Trace logo, the Tor Browser icon, the Monero emblem, and others – tells a part of a larger narrative. They combine to create something greater than their individual meanings, much like the harmonious blend in a symphony. The Uzi gun, the drugs charm, the credit card fraud emblem – every piece narrates a story of the digital maverick.


Designed for those who understand that luck is an art form, this bracelet is a source of fortune, helping its wearer stay always out of trouble, always in the right place at the right time.


In the end, this bracelet transcends its physical form. It’s not just about the charms themselves but what they represent – a culture, a movement, a way of being that defies conventional boundaries. It’s a statement of defiance, a badge of honor for the modern navigator of the unseen world. For those who wear it, it’s a symbol of their mastery over the complexities and challenges of the digital age.