DLN Lung Boost™ is a nutraceutical supplement custom formulated by Dr. Larisa Gruer of the European Institute for Health in Newport Beach, California. Mass production in the supplement industry had forced many of her clients to juggle multiple bottles, deal with formula overlap, and count out far too many capsules on a daily basis.  For this reason, Doctor Larisa Nutraceuticals™ line of formulas simplify her most important nutritional protocols into less bottles and fewer capsules in order to yield a better clinical outcome.

Ingredients matter: Supplements are only effective when high quality ingredients are used. Dr. Larisa’s Nutraceuticals™ uses the highest quality, purest and most absorbable brand-name ingredients to achieve the best results.

Therapeutic Dosing: The clinically meaningful nature of the amounts of each ingredient is just as important as the quality of the raw materials themselves, and Dr. Larisa Nutraceuticals™ merge these two very critical benefits together with each formulation.

Always Fresh, Always Healthy:  All of Dr. Larisa’s Nutraceuticals™ are made fresh to order, meaning that they haven’t been mass produced and sitting in a warehouse for months. 

DLN formulas have been clinically tested for over 10 years and proven with hundreds of satisfied users in Dr. Larisa's private practice. 

DLN Lung Boostis for immune system support: The combination of vitamin C, berberine, eleuthero, and cordyceps provides comprehensive support for the immune system, crucial for respiratory health.

Mucus Regulation: NAC's mucolytic properties help regulate mucus production, promoting clearer airways and easing respiratory discomfort.

Adaptogenic Protection: Eleuthero's adaptogenic properties support the body's resilience to stressors, promoting overall respiratory and immune health.

Antioxidant Defense: The supplement's blend of antioxidants, including quercetin and turmeric, helps protect respiratory tissues from oxidative damage.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Several ingredients, such as nettle, turmeric, and quercetin, contribute to the supplement's anti-inflammatory effects, potentially alleviating respiratory inflammation.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):

Antioxidant Support: Vitamin C provides potent antioxidant effects, helping to protect respiratory tissues from oxidative stress and supporting overall immune function.

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC):

Mucolytic Properties: NAC is known for its mucolytic effects, aiding in the breakdown of mucus in the respiratory tract, facilitating easier breathing.

Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) Extract (8% Cordycepic Acid):

Respiratory Support: Cordyceps has been traditionally used to support respiratory health, potentially improving lung function and oxygen uptake.

Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) Root Extract 4:1:

Anti-Inflammatory: Nettle root extract may have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially assisting in the reduction of respiratory inflammation.

Eleuthero (Acanthopanax senticosus) Stem and Root Extract (0.8% Eleutherosides):

Adaptogenic Support: Eleuthero, an adaptogenic herb, may help the body adapt to stressors, supporting the overall immune and respiratory systems.

Quercetin (Sophora japonica):

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant: Quercetin exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, potentially mitigating respiratory inflammation and oxidative stress.

Berberine Extract (Berberis aristata) Root Extract (97% Berberine HCl):

Immune Modulation: Berberine has immune-modulating effects, potentially enhancing the body's defense mechanisms against respiratory infections.

Turmeric Extract (Curcuma longa) C3:

Anti-Inflammatory: Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, provides anti-inflammatory benefits, supporting respiratory health by reducing inflammation.