CYBERPUNK 400D 35mm Color Negative Film - 36 exp
--  Limited Edition --
2-PACK PRICE on BRAND NEW Kodak 250D Motion Picture Film with the Remjet removed so it can be processed as C-41 (or ECN-2).  -- See Pictures
Price is for TWO (2) rolls of 36 exposure film

Want to try a roll of Kodak motion picture film? This is the one!!!!
Why?  Because first of all it is Daylight balanced, so you don't have to worry about adding a filter for Tungsten balanced film when shooting in daylight.  Not true with any film that ends with the letter T for Tungsten.  Secondly -  even though this is basically Kodak's Vision 3 250D film, it can be shot at ISO 400 with perfect results.  See my pictures.  Third - the remjet has been perfectly removed so it can be processed as C-41 instead of the ECN-2 which many labs don't  want to do.  Slightly different but very pleasing colors.
NO remjet blemishes, no light piping -- just excellent pictures.  If you are told that remjet removed film will give you light leaks -- I loaded my film in somewhat dim (but not dark) light and advanced the film 2-3 frames -- got 36 perfect shots with no light leaks.

I am really happy with this film -- love the pictures I got and the colors.

Also - it is DX coded and fresh as can be.