Optolong Canon EOS-C L-Enhance Dual Narrowband Light Pollution Filter (H-Alpha and H-Beta/O-III)


Optolong has now released a Canon EOS-C clip filter version of their tremendously popular L-eNhance filters. The relentless spread of urbanization and its associated light pollution have become a growing problem for all amateurs and astro photographers. The current solutions to the problem can be expensive and might include the purchase of a monochrome camera, several types of narrowband filters and a filter wheel. L-eNhance provides an economical and practical solution for amateurs. It is a dual band-pass narrowband filter which has been designed for DSLR (digital SLR), color CMOS and CCD Astrophotography Cameras. The convenience and cost effectiveness of this filter allows amateurs to image a rich selection of astronomical images, even in bright, heavily light-polluted areas. Optolong believes the design of our L-eNhance filter is a technical innovation among filters. It effectively isolates the H-Alpha, H-Beta, and Oxygen III nebula emission lines and achieves a maximum transmission of up to 90%. The performance of this filter delivers images that superbly control the impact from light polluted skies. According to the characteristics of celestial body emission lines and the light pollution spectrum, Optolong specially designed and optimized dual-band L-eNhance filter in order to retain the prominent color of nebula RGB while blocking out most of light pollution. Tpeak: T>90% Blocking range: 300-1000nm Blocking depth: Light pollution line blocking >99% Surface quality: 60/40 Transmitted Wavefront RMS: λ/4 Parallelism (arcsec): 30s Canon EOS-C Supported Models: 7D2/80D/800D/77D/70D/760D/750D/700D 650D/600D/550D/500D/400D/100D/1100D 1200D/1300D The filters work with all EF lenses, but is not suitable for Canon EF-S lenses.


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