Real GENUINE Thai temple buddha amulet

2 x phra pudta toh the closed eyed amulet

1 x phra somdej toh the king of amulets

Made from clay mixed with nur wan and sacred powder

10 years old

Blessed at wat rakhang temple for protection from harm and good health long life and wealth

Has gone throught the pluk-sek consecration ceremony/rites

PLUK-SEK means to arouse the power of a person or an object by the use of a spell or incantation, hence a consecration or a blessedness



Phra Pidta refers to ‘covering the eyes’ or the closed-eye Buddha. Phra Pidta was one of the most trusted apprentices of Sakyamuni Gautama Buddha. Due to his advanced Dharma and respect for the Buddha, he could build wealth quickly when he wished for it.

Phra Pidta was always kind, humble and helpful and did not mind risking his life to help others. He had accumulated plentiful blessings and virtues in his earlier lifetimes when he was still a human and during his monkshood. According to folklore, the main reason for covering itself is to give protection against harm and black magic that can enter a person through any openings in the body. Another perspective sees it as protecting the six roots of sensation in Buddhism; sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and thoughts.

Phra Pidta amulet often features a Buddha with two to six arms. He is known to bring wealth and keep one safe from evil. Its charms also help avoid dangers and keep one safe from harm.

king of amulets

Phra Somdej (Thai: พระสมเด็จ) amulets are the "king of amulets", also known as "lucky amulets". Each amulet collector must have one and it is the best and foremost choice for the new believer in Thai amulets. Para Somdej has the noblest status in Buddhism.