Flashlights in the Jungle: A Record of Hunting Adventures and of Studies in Wild Life in Equatorial East Africa
Carl Georg Schillings
Doubleday, Page, - Africa - 782 pages

Carl Georg Schillings was an innovative photographer who took some of the earliest photographs of African animals 
Beginning in 1896, Schillings began going on safaris in the then-German colony in the African Great Lakes region known as German East Africa. He experimented with flashlight photographs and some of the earliest telephoto lenses. His 1906 title "With Flashlight and Rifle" included photographs of animals from the region and sparked widespread interest in the German colony. In 1907, "In Wildest Africa" was published, containing over 300 photographs from Schillings' negatives. Schillings states in the preface that he hopes that the work will "win over my readers to the one underlying idea — the idea upon which I harp so often — of the importance of taking active steps to prevent the complete extermination of wild life.

Common terms and phrases
able antelopes Askaris attack baboons beasts beautiful birds British East Africa buffaloes bullet bushes C. G. Schillings camp Captain Merker caravan carriers coast coloured crocodiles desert disappeared distance district Dönje Erok elephants European expedition females fire gerenuk German East Africa giraffes Grant's gazelles grass ground hartebeest herd Herr hippopotamus horns hundred hunter hunting hyænas jackals Kilimanjaro killed kind klipspringer Lake Natron large number leopard lesser kudu lioness lions live marabous marshes Masai Masai country Masai-land Merker Lakes Moshi natives neighbourhood nests Ngaptuk night Njiri swamps old bulls once paces Pangani phot photographs plains prey Rchw reedbuck regions rifle Rufu River schillingsi seen shoot shot sight skin species specimens sportsman spot suddenly take to flight thicket Thomson's gazelle traveller trees tusks velt Victoria Nyanza VIII vultures Wandorobo waterbuck wild animals Yumbe Yumbe ya Mawe zebras Zoological Gardens