Royal Canin Skin & Coat Wet Food for Cats is a specially formulated diet to help with the nutritional needs of cats with sensitive skin from neutering up to 7 years of age.

Made with a specific nutrient complex, and enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA and DHA, Royal Canin Skin & Coat helps to strengthen the skin barrier, support a healthy skin and maintain a shiny, glossy coat.

Key Benefits:

Meat and Animal Derivatives, Cereals, Fish and Fish Derivatives, Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Vegetable Protein Extracts, Minerals, Yeasts

Nutritional Information:
Protein: 9.8%, Fat Content: 4.4%, Crude Ash: 1.7%, Crude Fibres: 1.3%, Moisture: 78.5%, EPA/DHA: 0.12%, Essential Fatty Acid (Linoleic Acid): 1.3%