Royal Canin X-Small Dry Dog Food is a complete food for very small breeds of dogs.

Developed with a smaller kibble suitable for miniature jaws, Royal Canin X-Small has been made with only high quality ingredients that have been chosen for the unique nutritional requirements of tiny breed dogs.

Key Benefits:

Rice, Dehydrated Poultry Meat, Maize, Animal Fats, Maize Flour, Maize Gluten, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Vegetable Protein Isolate*, Chicory Pulp, Minerals, Soya Oil, Psyllium Husks and Seeds (1%), Yeasts, Fish Oil, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides
* L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility

Select Pack Type From: Puppy, Adult, Adult 8+