Handmade Native Am. Red Ear Slider Turtle Shell Rattle - Shaman Ceremony Type 7"

This is a Red Ear Slider Turtle Shell Rattle. It's total length is 7.5".  The Red Ear Slider Turtle is not endangered - they have a stable population.  The handle is a 4" natural bone with a raw hide lacing through one end.  Attached to the lacing with leather and two brass metal tubes, are two dark brown feathers.  The shell is 3 1/2" x 3" and is wrapped at the edge with leather that has painted on red triangles that are bordered in black (on the front and back). Just under the shell is a "collar" of white fur - it looks like fox.  It makes a pleasant noise when shaken - I don't know what is inside -- seeds, beads ?
           There is a card attached at the leather cord with this inside: 
"The Turtle"
    "Keya is the Sioux word for turtle.  The turtle is big medicine to the Indians.  It is a calendar for them.  There are 13 plates on a turtle's back and 13 months in a (moon) year.  The turtle is believed to contain the mystery of the moon in it's shell. 
     The turtle is wise, hears everything and tells nothing.  It symbolizes long life, dedication and steadfastness."
     The rattle hasn't been used.  It has been on display away from the light.  There is a little bit of wear on part of the leather on the bottom from sitting around.   Please look at the seven photos.