Fell Farm Holiday
Fell Farm for Christmas
Fell Farm Campers

by Marjorie Lloyd

The Author: Marjorie Lloyd was born in 1909 in Haydock, Lancashire. She was educated at Cowley Girls' School, St. Helen's, from 1920-27, and at Birmingham University, where she read Mathematics, and took a teaching diploma, from 1928-32. She also studied at the City of Liverpool College of Art. A teacher for a number of years, she was variously employed at Haydock, Macclefield, Wigton (in Cumbria), and at the Princess Mary High School in Halifax. She retired in 1948 in order to devote herself to writing, going to live with a younger sister.

Fell Farm: The "Fell Farm" of the books is actually High Arnside Farm, between Skelwith Bridge and Hawkshead,

The Books: The books cover three holidays by the Browne children at Fell Farm right around 1950; the long holiday, the Christmas holiday, and the next Easter. Unlike Athur Ransome's books, the focus of these books is almost entirely fell walking and camping. The Brownes are two pairs of twins (each a boy and a girl), 15 and 13, and an eight-year old sister. They are all campers and fell walkers; they think nothing of tackling Wrynose Pass and Eskdale as part of a longer day jaunt.