Justice League (1987) #3 CGC 9.2 Test Logo Variant Booster Gold Cameo "Meltdown" Colonel Rumaan Harjavti suggests Russia's nuclear weapons be the next target for Wandjina, Silver Sorceress and Bluejay. Harjavti thinks he is cleverly tricked the three superhumans into weakening his enemies, clearing a path for world domination. Though the three are not fooled they cannot resist going into Russia to rid the world of their nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, the Justice League hover in Blue Beetle's Bug just outside of Bialyan airspace. Blue Beetle finally picks up the three strangers on the Bug's sensors and the League follow them into Russia. The Bug is noticed and two units of the Rocket Red Brigade are dispatched to intercept the Bug. Guy Gardner disobeys Batman's orders and engages the Brigade. In Moscow, Mikhail Gorbachev receives a phone call from Maxwell Lord and orders that all hostilities toward the Justice League cease and all units of the Rocket Red Brigade be rerouted to deal with Wandjina, Silver Sorceress and Bluejay. Missile bases, nuclear subs and nuclear power plants all go on red alert. In the panic, one of the power plants mistakes are made and a core meltdown in imminent. The Rocket Red units battling the Justice League get their orders, cease fighting and ask the League for assistance. When the League reaches the power plant Wandjina, Silver Sorceress and Bluejay are going head to head against a unit of the Rocket Red Brigade. The battle stops as soon as it starts when the cooling towers begin to tremble from the meltdown. It seems that nothing can be done then suddenly Wandjina breaks through into one of the cooling tower. He emerges moments later having contained the meltdown somehow. After declaring that everything is safe he collapses. The Russians take control of the situation and take Wandjina away for treatment followed by Silver Sorceress and Bluejay. Rocket Red 1 informs the Justice League that their help is no longer needed and orders them to leave the country promptly. When the League returns to headquarters they are shocked...