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Diogenes Laertius Lot of 2 Audiobook Biographies on Eminent Philosophers in 2 MP3 Audio CDs

Diogenes Laertius
 ( - 3rd Cent.)

Diogenes Laertius (Greek: Διογένης Λαέρτιος) was a biographer of the Greek philosophers. Nothing is known about his life, but his surviving Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers is a principal source for the history of Greek philosophy.

The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Book VI
Translated by Charles Duke Yonge (1812 - 1891)
Read by Bala
Running Time: 01:59:34 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
There are 10 divisions in this title. This project is a recording of book 6. There is a number of interesting anecdotes on the lives of Antisthenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Monimus, Onesicritus, Crates of Thebes, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus and Menedemus. Their school of thought is known an Cynicism. Most of the text in this book is devoted to the anecdotes concerning Diogenes's life and sayings. Even Alexander envied his life saying that if he had not been Alexander, he should have liked to be Diogenes.

01 - Antisthenes
02 - Diogenes Part I
03 - Diogenes Part II
04 - Diogenes Part III
05 - Monimus, Onesicritus & Crates
06 - Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus & Menedemus
Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Volume 1
Translated by R. D. Hicks (1850 - 1929)
Read by Multiple Readers
Running Time:09:26:36 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers provides a wealth information about the lives and teachings of ancient Greek thinkers. Despite the varying reliability of Laertius' accounts, his book has become a principal source for the history of Greek philosophy, since many of the earlier sources on which it was based are no longer extant.

01 - Preface by R.D. Hicks
02 - Introduction by R.D. Hicks. I. The Book and its Author
03 - Introduction by R.D. Hicks. II. Plan and Contents of the Work
04 - Introduction by R.D. Hicks. III. Authorities for the Lives
05 - Introduction by R.D. Hicks. IV. Text and Editions
06 - Book I. Prologue
07 - Book I. Chapter 1. Thales
08 - Book I. Chapter 2. Solon
09 - Book I. Chapter 3. Chilon
10 - Book I. Chapter 4. Pittacus
11 - Book I. Chapter 5. Bias
12 - Book I. Chapter 6. Cleobulus
13 - Book I. Chapter 7. Periander
14 - Book I. Chapter 8. Anacharsis
15 - Book I. Chapter 9. Myson
16 - Book I. Chapter 10. Epimenides
17 - Book I. Chapter 11. Pherecydes
18 - Book II. Chapter 1. Anaximander
19 - Book II. Chapter 2. Anaximenes
20 - Book II. Chapter 3. Anaxagoras
21 - Book II. Chapter 4. Archelaus
22 - Book II. Chapter 5. Socrates
23 - Book II. Chapter 6. Xenophon
24 - Book II. Chapter 7. Aeschines
25 - Book II. Chapter 8. Aristippus
26 - Book II. Chapter 9. Phaedo
27 - Book II. Chapter 10. Euclides
28 - Book II. Chapter 11. Stilpo
29 - Book II. Chapters 12-16. Crito, Simon, Glaucon, Simmias, Cebes
30 - Book II. Chapter 17. Menedemus
31 - Book III. Plato
32 - Book III. Plato (continued)
33 - Book III. Plato (continued)
34 - Book IV. Chapter 1. Speusippus
35 - Book IV. Chapter 2. Xenocrates
36 - Book IV. Chapter 3. Polemo
37 - Book IV. Chapter 4. Crates
38 - Book IV. Chapter 5. Crantor
39 - Book IV. Chapter 6. Arcesilaus
40 - Book IV. Chapter 7. Bion
41 - Book IV. Chapter 8. Lacydes
42 - Book IV. Chapter 9. Carneades
43 - Book IV. Chapter 10. Clitomachus
44 - Book V. Chapter 1. Aristotle
45 - Book V. Chapter 2. Theophrastus
46 - Book V. Chapter 3. Strato
47 - Book V. Chapter 4. Lyco
48 - Book V. Chapter 5. Demetrius
49 - Book V. Chapter 6. Heraclides
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