Chakkar Gatka Prop for Nagar Kirtan:

Are you looking for Chakkar Gatka Prop for Nagar Kirtan online?

This is a exactly what you have been looking for, and your search ends here.

Buy gatka chakkar at best price from muteyaar punjabi store.

Available in standard adult size as well as kids size

Adult akhada chakar size is approximately 13 inches diameter ring.

Made with plastic balls that are really light weight and very easy to handle.

Moreover, this chakar can also be used for curing of frozen shoulder through regular exercise.

Experience the vibrant cultural traditions of India with this beautifully handmade Chakkar Gatka Prop. 

The intricately crafted 13-inch ring handle is a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship of Indian artisans. 

This prop is perfect for Nagar Kirtan and Gatka Chakra performances and is a must-have collectible for those who appreciate the beauty and culture of India. 

 This prop is crafted in India and is sure to be a cherished addition to your collection of Indian cultural artifacts. 

The attention to detail and quality of this prop is unmatched, making it a valuable piece for anyone who desires to own a piece of Indian tradition.