USA, often referred to as the United States of America, is a vast and diverse country located in North America. This acronym stands for the nation's official name, encompassing 50 states, a federal district (Washington, D.C.), and various territories. The USA is renowned for its rich history, cultural melting pot, and iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty and the White House. It is often affectionately called "America" or simply "the States." The country is known for its diverse geography, from the towering Rocky Mountains to the expansive Great Plains and picturesque coastal areas. With a population hailing from all corners of the globe, the USA is celebrated for its cultural diversity, fostering a blend of traditions, languages, and cuisines. As a global superpower, the USA plays a significant role in international politics, economics, and culture, earning it the nickname "Uncle Sam." The nation's flag, the "Stars and Stripes," symbolizes its unity and heritage, with each star representing a state and each stripe signifying the original 13 colonies. Whether you're exploring bustling cities, serene national parks, or enjoying classic American cuisine like burgers and apple pie, the USA offers a myriad of experiences that reflect its vibrant and dynamic identity. What Makes Our Creative Pewter Designs the best? Each design is "Created for Your Passion". With over 2800 Designs available, you are sure to find something that speaks to your passions, hobbies, or profession. Explore our whole line of designs to find dog breeds, dinosaurs, fish, birds, reptiles, insects, flowers, pets, fantasy, gothic, Viking, animal, sport, team, patriotic, military, wildlife, and so much more! Our team at Creative Pewter Designs have devoted our time and skills in developing a pewter metal selection to meet your individual passion. Truly a masterpiece of artwork, custom cast by skillful artisans, each pin takes on a three-dimensional look, unlike common flat mass-produced pins. Work to create each pin is done by hand, and all done in our studio! We are proud to call them wearable art. They look great on hats, backpacks, bags, jackets, lapels, and more. Creative Pewter Designs is a small company located on the Kitsap Peninsula in the Great Northwest. We sculpt and cast all our own products. We have multiple product lines including, Keychains, Lapel Pins, Hat Pins, Magnets, Pendants, Brooches, Necklaces, Tie Tacks, and Christmas Ornaments. 100% Made in the United States, it is a statement we are proud to make and look forward to keeping. Thank you for your business!