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Easy to Take 100% Bioavailable Pure Liquid Zeolite Suspension Enhanced with DHQ, Humic Acid & Fulvic Acid - Natural Immune System Modulator & Energy Booster that Supports Full Body Daily Detox - Ultra Absorption Alkaline Drops For Optimal pH 
PURE ZEOLITE DROPS enhanced with DHQ is a dietary supplement preferred by many c*ncer patients, c*ncer survivors as well as healthy children, adults and pets. PURE ZEOLITE DROPS enhanced with DHQ is recommended and sold by many physicians and healthcare practitioners worldwide. Don't waste your money on inferior copy-cat formulas, even ones that claims to be more potent yet lack all it's essential ingredients!
Pure Zeolite Drops™ help support and modulate your immune system and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals, mercury and other toxic heavy metals. Pure Zeolite Drops™ are a new, improved and richer extra-strength formulation which is enhanced with DHQ (a unique powerful antioxidant).

Many other brands use fragmented zeolite particles (broken damaged zeolite lattice structure), hydrated zeolite, hydrolyzed zeolite, water-soluble zeolite, nano zeolite (all unproven to be efficient at broad-spectrum heavy metal, chemical, toxin attraction and removal). These competitor brands also use harsh chemicals, hydrochloric acids, solvents and/or high heat treatment methods to produce their products.

Natural Intracellular Pure Zeolite Drops utilize time-tested nearly 19 years on the market proven results-driven, industry-leading advanced proprietary natural holistic manufacturing process of using natural organic supplement-grade humic/fulvic minerals (highly regarded supplement-grade mediums) which enable the zeolite to penetrate cells readily. Making Pure Zeolite Drops™ the purest, cleanest, most efficient zeolite liquid product period, for attracting and removal mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, other toxic heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins on the market today. Pure Zeolite Drops™ are also 10x - 100x more efficient than micronized zeolite powder.

Pure Zeolite Drops is a dietary supplement preferred by many cancer patients, cancer survivors as well as healthy children, adults and pets.

Benefits of Zeolite: