Two photos of the nuclear bomb tests at Bikini Atoll July 1, 1946. Sepia. 8" x 10"'. Photos appear to have been taken from the same footage.  Seller's opinion is that the photos are likely from batch of original prints for press release/documentation, & archival purposes  because of their crisp and high definition and labels.  Photos are in good condition no folds or creases; tack marks on corners and midway top and bottom, light smudge on one corner corner, a 1/2" tear along the bottom edge of one. Amazing photo journalism and documentation. (Eerie frightening).
Photo # 1 : DBCR - TI - I - 318 - EXP #2 Bikini Atoll
Photo # 2 : DBCR - TI - I - 318 - EXP #6 Bikini Atoll
There is ample information about the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests in the internet.