Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar (Drukhari) Army - Classic 3rd Edition OOP models.  Feel free to ask any questions or request additional or different pictures.  This is an army I collected years ago that I never got around to completing.  Lot includes the following:

6 x Raiders (plastic, painted black with grey dry-brushed highlighting; bases/flight stands are not glued in and are removeable)
3 x Ravagers  (plastic and metal, painted black with grey dry-brushed highlighting; bases/flight stands are not glued in and are removeable)
6 x Reaver Jetbikes (plastic, painted black with grey dry-brushed highlighting; bases/flight stands are not glued in and are removeable)
5 x Scourges (metal, painted red with red wash and red dry-brushed highlighting)
5 x Incubi (metal, painted red with red wash and red dry-brushed highlighting)
5 x Mandrakes (metal, painted black with grey dry-brushed highlighting)
20 x Wyches (metal, painted white with flesh parts painted flesh tone)
48 x Warriors (4 x metal dark lances; 4 x metal blasters; 4 x metal shredders; 4 x metal Sybarites; 4 x plastic splinter cannons; 28 x plastic splinter rifles, two fully painted and based; all the rest painted red with red wash and red dry-brushed highlighting)
1 x Beastmaster (metal, painted white with flesh parts painted flesh tone)
4 x Warp Beasts (metal, fully painted and based as pictured)
1 x Archon (metal, painted red with red wash and red dry-brushed highlighting)
1 x Dracon / Succubus (metal, painted white with flesh parts painted flesh tone)

Models will be packed well with bubble wrap, but there is always the chance that one or more may get damaged during shipment (easily reglued).

I also have models for Kruellagh, Lelith, and Drazhar available, but I want to list them separately, and not until this army is sold.  If you wish to purchase this army along with any of those special character models, let me know and I can revise the listing for you.  Thanks.