Seeds of Jiaogulan, herb of immortality, Gynostemma pentaphyllum

The Jiaogulan is a species native to China-Vietnam-Korea and Japan, among others. It is a thin vine up to 10 meters long, it has numerous yellow-green flowers that will give rise to smooth and rounded black berries when ripe. It is consumed as an infusion in China and Vietnam, calling it the herb of longevity. The antioxidant qualities of jiaogulan have been proven. Increases the presence of enzymes that allow endogenous antioxidant defense in most cells exposed to oxygen. Various investigations have shown that it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, particularly the level of bad cholesterol, as well as that of triglycerides, while raising the level of good cholesterol." It has also been observed in studies that it increases the activity of T lymphocytes and can act as a tumor inhibitor. At the same time, properties against hypertension have been detected by relaxing the arteries.

They must be sown directly in a seedbed with a seed coat and substrate or any other sandy mixture. The planting area must be bright-warm but not in full sun, the substrate must be kept humid, transplant the plants when they have several pairs of leaves to their final place in full sun. It takes weeks or several months to be born, the wait can be desperate.

The Jiaogulan is a species native to China-Vietnam-Korea and Japan, among others. It is a thin vine up to 10 meters long, it has numerous yellow-green flowers that will give rise to smooth and rounded black berries when ripe. It is consumed as an infusion in China and Vietnam, calling it the herb of longevity. The antioxidant qualities of jiaogulan have been proven. Increases the presence of enzymes that allow endogenous antioxidant defense in most cells exposed to oxygen. Various investigations have shown that it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, particularly the level of bad cholesterol, as well as that of triglycerides, while raising the level of good cholesterol." It has also been observed in studies that it increases the activity of T lymphocytes and can act as a tumor in