2012 yr Old Comrade 9928 (batch 121) Raw pu er Tea cake 357g PC02


------100% Authentic Product


modulated by Mr. Zou Bingliang
a chinese pu-erh tea master with lifetime achievement award.


PuerCategory: Raw Tea

Net Weight:  357g/ cake. Theprice only for one cake.     
Production date: 2012
Storage time: The longer the better
Model: Old Comrade 9928 (batch 121)
List of ingredients: Yunnan High quality arbor
Manufacturer: Anning Haiwan Tea Industry Co., Ltd. Yunnan China


Pu-erh tea can be purchased as either raw/green (sheng) or ripened/cooked (shu), depending on processing method or aging. Sheng pu-erh can be roughly classified on the tea oxidation scale as a green tea, and the shou or aged-green variants as post-fermented tea.

Unlike other teas that should ideally be consumed shortly after production, pu-erh can be drunk immediately or aged for many years; pu-erh teas are often now classified by year and region of production much like wine vintages.

       Keep drinking Pu'er Tea, a way to good health.
       Improving digestion, burning the body fat
       Enhance immune system
       Suppressed the cholesterol
       Reduce high blood fat.