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Saint Jerome Lot of 5 Audiobooks on Christianity in 5 MP3 Audio CDs

Saint Jerome 
(347 - 420)

Jerome (Latin: Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus; Greek: Εὐσέβιος Σωφρόνιος Ἱερώνυμος), also known as Jerome of Stridon was a Latin priest, confessor, theologian, and historian; he is commonly known as Saint Jerome. He is best known for his translation of most of the Bible into Latin (the translation that became known as the Vulgate), and his commentaries on the Gospels. His list of writings is extensive.

Against Jovinianus
Translated by Philip Schaff (1819 - 1893) and Henry Wace (1836 - 1924)
Read by A.Christian
Running Time:06:24:01 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Jovinianus, had published at Rome a treatise containing the following opinions: 
(1) "That a virgin is no better as such than a wife in the sight of God.
(2) Abstinence is no better than a thankful partaking of food. 
(3) A person baptized with the Spirit as well as with water cannot sin. 
(4) All sins are equal. 
(5) There is but one grade of punishment and one of reward in the future state." Also he held the birth of our Lord to have been natural, rather than that Jesus passed through the walls of the womb as His Resurrection body afterwards did out of the tomb. All these opinions were condemned in synods at that city and at Milan (about A.D. 390). He subsequently sent Jovinian's books to Jerome, who answered them in the present treatise in the year 393. Book I is wholly on (1), marriage and virginity. Chp 4-13 are Jerome's sense, of St. Paul's teaching in 1 Cor. vii. In chp. 14-39 Jerome uses both the Old and the New Testaments. Chp. 40 praises virginity and single marriages from examples in the heathen world. - Summary: A shortened version from the introduction.

On Illustrious Men (De Viris Illustribus)
Translated by Philip Schaff (1819 - 1893)
Read by A.Christian
Running Time:01:51:20 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This is a collection of 135 brief biographies by St. Jerome of his forebears and contemporaries. It is often cited as a primary source of information on ancient Christian authors and their writings. The biographies start with the apostles and end with Jerome himself. They also include respected non-Christians such as Josephus, and Philo of Alexandria. In general, this work provides a quick overview of all the respected writers in the early centuries and their writings, which would be of interest to Christians.

Letter 22 to Eustochium
Translated by William Henry Fremantle (1831 - 1916)
Read by Geremia
Running Time:02:07:32 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
St. Jerome's most famous letter (Libellus de virginitate servanda), written to St. Eustochium, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Roman widow St. Paula. St. Jerome exhorts St. Eustochium to embrace virginity and teaches her the proper conduct of a young woman. It contains his:
1. view that God, though omnipotent, cannot restore a fallen virgin (§5)
2. vivid description of fasting and temptation (§7)
3. view of abortion, that it is murder (§13)
4. term superbiam sanctam, virginity a "holy pride" (§16)
5. praise of wedlock, that it gives him virgins (§20)
6. further reading recommendations on virginity (§22)
7. "Do you read? He [God] speaks to you." (§25)
8. dream where the Judge condemns him a Ciceronian, not a Christian (§30)
9. description of the three types of monasticism (§§34-36)

The Life of St. Hilarion
Translated by Philip Schaff (1819 - 1893)
Read by A.Christian
Running Time:01:05:37 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
St. Hilarion (291–371 AD) was an anchorite who lived most of his life in the desert after the example of St. Anthony the Great (251–356 AD). He is considered to be the founder of Palestinian monasticism and venerated as a saint by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church. He was born in Gaza to pagan parents. After successfully studying rhetoric in Alexandria, he converted to Christianity. After which, he shunned the pleasures of his day, the theatre, circus and arena, and spent his time going to church. Upon hearing of St. Antony and his way of life he purposed to become a monk, first spending time in Egypt and then returning to Gaza.

The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
Translated by William Henry Fremantle (1831 - 1916)
Read by A.Christian
Running Time:01:09:43 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
St. Jerome composed this essay against Helvidius, who stated that because the gospels mentioned Christ as having “sisters” and “brethren” the Virgin Mary must have had more children from Joseph her husband. In response Jerome asserts three propositions against Helvidius:

1) That Joseph was only putatively, not really, the husband of Mary.
2) That the “brethren” of the Lord were his cousins, not his own brethren.
3) That virginity is better than the married state.

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  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
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A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

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