The Phone Fix [Hardcover], The Diet Fix & The Salt Fix 3 Books Collection Set:

Description :

The Phone Fix [Hardcover]:
ISBN-10 : 1803285567
ISBN-13 : 978-1803285566
We pick up our phones on average 80 times a day, and approximately a quarter of our waking hours are spent in front of a screen. We self-interrupt our work and social lives, forgo sleep, procrastinate important tasks and opt for digital distraction when we're bored or feel uncomfortable. Worst-case scenario, we're told phone use is melting our brains, creating a mental health epidemic and machines are taking over the world.

The Diet Fix:
ISBN-10 : 1780723768
ISBN-13 : 978-1780723761
Oprah Winfrey is one of the most celebrated women in the world – she’s also one of the most notorious yo-yo dieters. “It has been the battle of my life,” she has said, “... a battle I am still fighting every waking moment.” Anyone who, like Oprah, has endured the vicious rollercoaster of losing, regaining and then putting on more weight knows that the advice we are being given doesn’t work.

The Salt Fix:
ISBN-10 : 0349417385
ISBN-13 : 978-0349417387
A leading cardiovascular research scientist upends the low-salt myth, proving that salt may be one solution to - rather than a cause of - the chronic disease crisis.We've all heard the recommendation: no more than a teaspoon of salt a day for a healthy heart. But there's one big problem with this: the majority of us don't need to watch our salt. For most, salt protects against a host of aliments, including internal starvation, insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease - not to mention, it tastes great.