Royal Canin Mini Puppy Dry Dog Food is a complete and balanced food to help maintain an ideal weight and promote healthy growth in small breed puppies from 2 to 10 months old, with an adult weight up to 10kg.

Made with a specially designed kibble that is suitable for smaller mouths, Royal Canin Mini Puppy contains high quality proteins and prebiotics to promote good digestive health, and supports your puppy’s natural defences with an antioxidant complex and Manno-Oligosaccharides.

Key Benefits:

Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Rice, Animal Fats, Wheat Gluten*, Maize, Beet Pulp, Maize Flour, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Maize Gluten, Minerals, Soya Oil, Fish Oil, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides, Hydrolysed Yeast (Source of Manno-Oligo-Saccharides and Betaglucans) (0.30%), Algal Oil Schizochytrium Sp. (Source of DHA), Yucca Schidigera Juice, Marigold Meal
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility

Nutritional Information:
Protein: 31.%, Fat Content: 20.%, Crude Ash: 8.%, Crude Fibres: 1.4%, Omega-3 Fatty Acid (DHA): 0.17%, Vitamin E: 500 mg/kg, Vitamin C: 400 mg/kg. Metabolisable Energy: 4072 kcal/kg