Royal Canin Mini Sterilised Care Dog Food is a nutritionally complete diet to help small breed, neutered dogs maintain an ideal bodyweight and condition.

Made with a balanced formula of protein and fat to help limit calorie intake, Royal Canin Sterilised Care also contains an optimal combination of fibre and a specially formulated low density kibble, to help your dog feel fuller for longer.

Suitable for dogs up to 10kg.

Key Benefits:

Maize, Dehydrated Poultry Protein, Hydrolysed Animal Proteins, Vegetable Protein Isolate*, Animal Fats, Maize Gluten, Vegetable Fibres, Wheat, Chicory Pulp, Soya Oil, Minerals, Fish Oil, Psyllium Husks And Seeds, Yeasts and parts thereof, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides, Borage Oil, Marigold Extract (Source of Lutein)
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high assimilation

Nutritional Information:
Crude Ash: 5.4%. Crude Fibre: 6.6%. Crude Oil Fats: 13%. Moisture: 0%. Protein: 30%