29 February 2024 - as per photos 1 - 10

Greek Orthodox Church anointing oil - 
full bottle of myrrh-scented blessed olive oil
Saint Spyridon Church, Corfu Town
Olfactory senses 'rescue remedy'

Greek Orthodox anointing oil X 1 small bottle circa 8.25 cms tall with exquisite soft aroma within of myrrh etc. evoking Greek Orthodox church atmosphere and arousing fine olfactory reactions at times when we need it for comfort or inspiration. These particular bottles were sourced on Corfu from an area close to Saint Spyridon Church, central Corfu Town. As of 29 February 2024, we have updated our photos above using background images from THE ORCHID HOUSE by George Psaila, ESSENTIAL CORFU - AA All You Need to Know by Gerry Crawshaw; THE SECOND BOOK OF CORFU WALKS The Road to Old Corfu by Hilary Whitton Paipeti and THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF CORFU  by Charles C. Climis. The rearing horse painting on old pinewood courtesy an icon painter based on The Peloponnese, R.I.P. 
Saint Spyridon is the patron saint of the island and the church is dedicated to his memory, a beautiful spot to take time out to sit and contemplate and admire the icons displayed on the walls therein. The oil could be described a 'light floral but with mysterious hints of oriental spice/myrrh', difficult to actually put a description on such subtle smells, ideal 'rescue remedy' for troubled moods when applied to your wrists, neck etc. We prefer to sell up to only 5 bottles per customer as we are not a wholesale business. Photos 1 - 10 refer.  Photo 11 is The Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George, photo 12 is an icon on a street wall quite near Saint Spyridon Church, photo 13 is an aerial view over Corfu Town 2015, photos 14 & 15 are photos of The Folk Museum of Sinarades village, central Corfu, photo 16 was taken years ago at Liston area of Corfu Town, and final photo is of sandy beach with sea lilies in an undisclosed part of Corfu. The oil in this little vial was most likely from a centralised source in Thessaloniki and please note, the icon label is also stuck on the screw-top so when you need to open your bottle, it might spoil the appearance of the icon label!

Buy-It-Now £9.95 for each vial + £3.49 p&p to U.K. destinations, £11.75 to Europe and £21.75 to USA etc. We refund overpaid postage and combine postage on all our other items. Your anointing oil vial will be wrapped within eco-friendly new tissue paper and outer recycled or new bubblewrap and/or potato starch pellets and come in a recycled box of some kind and with a special liquids label adhered to the outside of the small packet. We usually enclose a freebie mini lavender sachet made with flowers from our very own garden too with our earring, clothes and non-soap items to waft nice aromas about as you open your small packet. 

Have a nice day!