Cypraea cribraria

Autor: Linné,1758
Fundort: Palawan,Philippinen
Größe: 21,3mm
Zustand: F++
(ein vorderes Ende leicht angeschlagen)

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Grading of Seashells

GEM    Shells are without any discernible blemish or flaw.
             The specimen will be fully adult and of typical size.             
F+++    not accepted,however some dealers use this grading instead of F++/GEM.

F++/GEM    Shells that have a very minor flaw or blemish which is hard to perceive,shows up only under close scrutiny and in no way detracts from the look of the shell.
F++    Shells have a noticeable flaw or blemish which does not detract from the look of the shell.          

F+/F++    Shells have more than one noticeable flaw,growth line or blemish consistent with the species,but the overall presentation is very good.These shells are generally excellent value and highly suitable for aesthetically pleasing collections,being considerably less expensive than GEM specimens.

F+    Shells with small chips,noticeable growth lines,nacre lifts,blemishes or other obvious flaws,where the overall appearance and presentation of the shell is obviously not perfect.Several large sized species are only available in F+ condition.

F/F+    Shells with major chips,growth lines,nacre lifts,blemishes or obvious flaws.Very fresh dead collected but otherwise good specimens are also often classed as F/F+.Some shell species are only available as F/F+ specimens.

F/DEAD    Shells that are either badly damaged,obviously juvenile or dead,but suitable as a representative of the species or for study purposes.Some shell species are only available as F or dead specimens.