Bacopa monnieri, also known as Moneywort or Water Hyssop, is a popular aquatic plant that is often used in aquariums.


 Leaves: The leaves of Bacopa monnieri are typically small, round, and succulent. They are arranged oppositely along the stems and can range in color from bright green to slightly reddish under certain conditions.

Stems: The plant has long, thin stems that can either float on the water surface or be rooted in the substrate. The stems may develop a creeping or trailing growth habit.

Growth Habit: Bacopa monnieri is a fast-growing plant that can quickly create lush, dense stands in the aquarium. It is well-suited for background or midground planting and can be trimmed to maintain a desired shape.

Lighting and Conditions: This plant generally prefers moderate to high lighting conditions. Adequate light encourages compact growth and vibrant coloration.

Bacopa monnieri is adaptable to various water parameters, but it thrives in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. It can tolerate a wide range of water hardness.

Propagation: Bacopa monnieri is easily propagated through stem cuttings. Snipping a healthy stem and planting it in the substrate will often result in the development of new roots and the growth of a new plant.

Substrate and Planting: While Bacopa monnieri can be left floating, it can also be planted in the substrate. A nutrient-rich substrate can promote optimal growth, but the plant is generally not too demanding in terms of substrate quality.

CO2 and Nutrient Requirements: Bacopa monnieri can benefit from the addition of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the aquarium, especially in setups with higher lighting. Additionally, providing a balanced aquarium fertilizer can help ensure healthy growth and coloration.

Use in Aquascaping: Due to its fast growth and adaptable nature, Bacopa monnieri is often used in aquascaping to create lush backgrounds or to add vertical interest to the midground. It can be combined with other aquatic plants to achieve a visually appealing and well-balanced aquarium layout.

Temperature Range: Bacopa monnieri can tolerate a wide temperature range commonly found in tropical aquariums, typically between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C).

Aquarists appreciate Bacopa monnieri for its aesthetic appeal, ease of care, and its ability to contribute to a healthy aquatic environment. Regular pruning and maintenance are important to prevent overgrowth and to maintain the desired appearance within the aquarium.