For sell is this brand new clear Chrystal natural quartz stone chakra pendant necklace. See pictures!

Dimension of the chain is 17 inches

Dimension of the Chrystal is 1.25 inches

Clear Quartz crystals are the most versatile tools in the mineral kingdom. Clear Quartz is a cardinal Storm element ally, working on all levels of the energetic and physical bodies and resonating with all chakras. Its structure and range of resonance allow it to amplify any energy with which it moves into resonance. It will amplify the energies of any other stone and can be used to make the energies of smaller stones more easily felt. Because of its ability to amplify any frequency of energy, it makes an excellent ally in healing and prayer work. Because of its Storm element energy, it is most active on the nervous system and connective tissues of the body.

Clear Quartz embodies the concept of clarity and the value of becoming a vessel for the Light of the Divine. It brings clarity of thought and purpose to one's mind and heart and can assist one in overcoming confusion. It helps establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance, acting as an etheric "radio" to amplify the psychic communications of higher beings. It can be used to enhance telepathic communication and stimulate psychic vision.

Clear Quartz crystals are natural holographic storage devices that can be "programmed" or brought into resonance, with any thought or feeling one wishes to broadcast more strongly into the world. Once a Clear Quartz crystal has been programmed, it will continue to resonate with that thought, prayer or feeling - constantly broadcasting that energy throughout the Earth's electromagnetic field and into the etheric realms. This can accelerate the fulfillment of one's prayers, intensify one's healing work, or bathe the Earth and humanity in specific frequencies of energy for the purpose of healing.

Clear Quartz encourages clarity on all levels. It can be used to enhance the communications of guides and amplify psychic abilities. It acts to stimulate and open all chakras and energy pathways in the body, allowing for a more enlightened and expansive auric field. Clear Quartz stimulates the nervous system and the growth of fingernails and hair.