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Kabala Talisman Necklace Jewels Pendant Hebrew Amulet Zohar Kabbalah Jewish Star


Kabala Talisman Necklace Jewels Pendant Hebrew Amulet Zohar Kabbalah Jewish Star

  1. MATERIALS: Handcrafted bisquit-resin sculpture
  2. Size: 6-8 cm 
  3. Certificate of guarantee and originality.
  4. Original packaging
  5. Customization personalized service , art jewelry 
It is not an jewelry of mass production!!! is 100% handmade in Italy, artcraft !

There will never be 2 absolutely talisman alike!!!

A talisman is not a fashion accessory, but much much more.
A talisman is a small work of art made 100% by hand by an artist, and has a very specific address, it is created with a symbol with a precise meaning. So it is not a casual accessory, but a jewel of art created especially for YOU!
The image, the shape, the colors, the symbol. the seal and all the rest of the items you found in the box make it a magical item for divination.
Know that it is he, the talisman who has looked for you and who has presented himself in your life and you have not been looking for him! So treat it well don't forget this detail .. In life nothing happens by chance, because life is MAGIC!
HOW A TALISMAN WORKS only you will know, you will receive the upgrade instructions following the purchase.



All Amira di Transilvania magic items are intended as cultural products inspired by ancient, esoteric knowledge, folklore, beliefs and traditions of Europe, Asia, America, and Africa.
The process/ritual of creation of these products, their descriptions and their use methods have an ethnographic and anthropological-cultural value faithfully refering to the specific collective imaginations in which they are roothed.

  • they do NOT boast miraculous properties or paranormal powers;
  • they do NOT replace in any way any medical care;
  • they are NOT indicated for people with psychological problems;
  • they are NOT indicated for pople in psychiatric treatment with drugs. 

It is up to the user?s good sense to evaluate them. Each item respects the current European regulations on safety and authenticity. Last, magic as such is NOT susceptible to scientific demonstration.



Amira di Transilvania is both a brand and a monobrand store 100% Made in Italy.

To sign them is Amira Munteanu Bergmann who, as an artist, actress, entrepreneur, passionate and curious researcher, scholar and collector, is one of the most brilliant and multifaceted figures on the Italian scene. 


All Amira di Transilvania products are covered by copyright. 

Thus the reproduction, either integral or partial, of them and of their images is forbidden. 

Any violation of intellectual property will be sanctioned in accordance with the law. 

Amira di Transilvania brand has no dealer around the world. 

All its products are sold only and exclusively in Amira di Transilvania real and virtual stores. 


Amira di Transilvania evaluates the importance of Made in Italy craftsmanship, therefore it enhances the talent and the resources of Creatives and Designers working by hand in Italy, in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way. 

By re-evaluating local production, it fights against multinational and mass consumerism brands that relocate, exploiting foreign workers as well as losing control over the quality of what they put on the market.

No poducts in Amira di Transilvania store are purchased and resold.

Everything, from the initial concept to its realization up to the way of communicating it, is rigorously signed and created by Amira di Transilvania

The main goal of the Brand is the complete satisfaction of the needs, of the desires and of the whims of its buyers.


Each product signed by Amira di Transilvania is customized, in limited edition and series, fully conceived, designed, modeled, painted, decorated by hand, with eco-sustainable materials. 

For this reason there will never be two perfectly alike objects. 

To underline their uniqueness, each of them is accompanied by a certificate of guarantee and orginality, marked by an archive number and headed with the name of the purchaser.

Respecting all the criteria of environmental sustainability, craftnabship and uniqueness, Amira di Transilvania is a 100% Made in Italy luxury brand.


Since Amira di Transilvania products are handmade, it is possible to request their customization WITHOUT additional costs. 

Everyone can, therefore, receive in short, his small work of art, unique and unrepeatable, made according to his specific indications and requests.

Finally, Amira di Transilvania also offers personalized gift boxes and many gift ideas that can satisfy all the needs, desires and whims of its customers.

CONTACT Amira di Transilvania for FREE consultation.