This lesser known Alvar Aalto design came about in the late 60's when it was designed for the Lakeuden Risti Convention Center, Seinäjoki, Finland (where they are still used today).  It was the first product made for Aalto by the Finnish manufacturer Nikari, who would go on to collaborate on architectural design projects with him from 1967-1974.  This tray, still made at Nikari, is a product made a few years ago and was used shortly for display and stored since.  The design is meant to be very straightforward and practical, with handles built into the light birch frame, and white laminate used for the work surface to resist spills and wash up safely.  Measures 57cm/22.4" X 33cm/12.9" X 35cm/1.4".  Original condition; note any marks in the grain are inherent and not flaws.  Bargain priced, US retail now is $569.