Old Mill Club Exclusive Golf Club, Nite Club, Country Club, Riding Club, Salt Lake City No 92 Shares Old Mill Tavern - Inc . . . .  16th day of June A. D. 1927 . 

The Cottonwood Paper Mill (also known as Granite Paper Mill) is an abandoned stone structure located at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. It was built in 1883 by the Deseret News .   The structure was partially rebuilt in 1927 for use as an open-air dance hall, known as the Old Mill Club, and remained so until the 1940s. It was also used in the 1970s and 1980s as a haunted house and a craft boutique. It was declared a historic site by the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers in 1966, and was condemned by the city of Cottonwood Heights in 2005.  

Folds,4 wold Splits 3 are approximately 1" and the bottom right is 3"
