High Frequency Facial Machine 7 Violet Glass Wand Anti Aging Acne Spot Removal

Item Include:

1X High Frequency Facial Machine with 7 electrodes (Without storage box!)
Voltage:110V (3 Pins plug)
Freqeuncy : 50-60Hz
Electrode Color:Violet 
Electrode Demension:
Approximate Diameter At Tip: = 11.23 mm - 11.25 mm (can fit 12mm unit)
Approximate Circumference At Tip = 35.3 mm

How does High Frequency work?

High frequency uses alternating current to conduct energy to a gas when it isignited. Glass electrodes containeither Argon (violet) or Neon (orange) gas. When light energy is given off, it forms electricity around theelectrode. When the oxy air, naturally present in the air around the electrode is electrified, it forms ozone.It is especially useful after the extraction phase of a facial because it kills germs, dries excess oil and increaseshealing.

During your facial your esthetician will perform extractions and then will use high frequency as a bacterial
inhibitor. She will place a gauze over your face so that more oxy air will surround the glass electrode and
more ozone is formed and the greater the effect. She will then move the electrode lightly across the gauze
in circular movements. The machine may make a noise similar to an electric fly zapper but you will not feel any current just the electrode moving on your face.

Violet color:

The violet electrodeshave been used to treat acne prone skin. An extremely small amount of ultra-violet light is emitted when the violet electrode makes contact with the skin. Such brief and low level UV light exposure is considered safe and provides excellent anti-bacterial and healing benefits.

Benefit of High Frequency:

a. Sterilize skin with special ultraviolet/infrared ray
b. Point or large area treatment can be selectable by using different electrode
c. heal acne
d. Improve hair growth by using grass hair comb
e. Grass electrode quantity can be selectable