Garda National public order unit Patch.


Iron on back

The Garda Public Order Unit, also known as the Garda Riot Squad, is the show-stopping force within Ireland's esteemed police department, the Garda Síochána. They are the masters of handling the heat, whether it's a riot, protest, or any public commotion.

Every member of this electrifying unit is a guardian in uniform, specially trained to keep the peace while still rocking their standard duties. Their expertise lies in the art of crowd control, dispersing chaos, and snagging those causing a ruckus.

In their arsenal, you won't find guns, oh no! These guardians of order bring the party with them, armed with sizzling pepper spray and sleek batons. Dressed to impress in body armor, riot helmets, and wielding riot shields, they're ready to dance through any storm, especially when facing an unruly crowd or a barrage of fiery projectiles.