This listing is for 40 mixed tree seeds....

20 x Mountain Hemlock and 20 x Black Spruce seeds.

Black spruce  (left of picture)  This is a small slim tree with a narrow cylindrical crown. Needle colour

varies: dark green, blue-green, or grey-green. 

​The cones are small and ball-shaped, often growing in tight bunches near the crown, and remaining on

 the tree for several years. Black spruce can regenerate throughout most of its range by layering from

 branches in contact with the ground.

Mountain hemlock’s concave needles are the same colour on both surfaces and spread in all directions. This

gives the tree an attractive, fluffy, cedar-like appearance. 

​The needles are wax-covered and the tree generally bluish in colour, with some provenances a strong blue-

grey. The cones, looking rather like spruce cones, are larger than those of the other hemlocks.

Full growing and planting insructions go out with each order.