I believe this was done in the 1920s to 1940s, but can't give you expert details because there just aren't any to glean around the internet right now.  I'm leaning toward thinking this was made in Murano, but it could have been from Czechoslovakia/Bohemia?  I'm not an expert; please do your own research.

I'm sure this was a masterpiece that some creator was extremely proud of when he was finished with it!  The flowers are so gorgeous; the photos don't do them justice.  And where having clear glass leaves may seem strange vs green, they look icy and sparkly and add to the overall loveliness.

This piece was a true centerpiece!    Add some chandeliers overhead and it's incredible!  I know it's lost some petals and leaves over time but you've got to respect what it is and that it's even survived over time.  

The flower center stamens show age.  Perhaps they can be replaced/refreshed if they detract too much in your opinion.  All that's been done to clean those is to be blown with some compressed air.  And since I didn't want to risk doing anything that might hurt them I cleaned each little leaf or petal separately and carefully.