Languages: Finnish

French subtitles
Juhani and Tuula decide to separate, but to continue their life together in perfect harmony until the sale of their house and a civilized divorce. Juhani writes the rules for their peaceful cohabitation, but he is the first to break them. Then follows an incredible series of events revealing the closeness of love and hate.

NEW ZONE 2 DVD Languages: Finnish French subtitles Juhani and Tuula decide to separate, but to continue their life together in perfect harmony until the sale of their house and a civilized divorce. Juhani writes the rules for their peaceful cohabitation, but he is the first to break them. Then follows an incredible series of events revealing the closeness of love and hate.
NEW ZONE 2 DVD Languages: Finnish French subtitles Juhani and Tuula decide to separate, but to continue their life together in perfect harmony until the sale of their house and a civilized divorce. Juhani writes the rules for their peaceful cohabitation, but he is the first to break them. Then follows an incredible series of events revealing the closeness of love and hate.
NEW ZONE 2 DVD Languages: Finnish French subtitles Juhani and Tuula decide to separate, but to continue their life together in perfect harmony until the sale of their house and a civilized divorce. Juhani writes the rules for their peaceful cohabitation, but he is the first to break them. Then follows an incredible series of events revealing the closeness of love and hate.