Description: This Fantastic 1930's Booklet "On Time - The Sky Chief" TWA Airlines. There are 32 pages of pictures an information on the TWA Lindbergh Line. 

"Beginning in 1928, Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) partnered with the Pennsylvania Railroad. Lindbergh was named chairman of its technical committee and assigned the task of establishing the TAT route, a duty that would take much of his time for the next year. According to Lindbergh biographer A. Scott Berg, “Most of [Lindbergh’s] suggestions became the standard for aviation in the United States and, subsequently, around the world. In many cities, he helped create the model for their first modern airports.” Lindbergh also worked with Henry Ford to make improvements in speed, capacity, and comfort in commercial aircraft. Lindbergh granted TAT restricted use of his name in its publicity, and soon they adopted the slogan “The Lindbergh Line.” On Jul 7, 1929, TAT inaugurated its first 48-hour coast-to-coast passenger transportation service, with Col. Lindbergh acting as pilot and his wife, Anne, acting as unofficial hostess.In an era of growth in the aviation industry, TAT merged with the Maddux Line in 1929 and with Western Air Express to form Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA). They continued to use the slogan “The Lindbergh Line” until 1938."  

Measure: 6-1/4" W  x 9-1/4" H.    

Condition: Corners and edges are slightly worn. Like New Condition. 

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