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Vintage German Moonglow Button with Anchor & Waves


Mid 20C.

Here's the story of these rare colored glass pictorial moonglows...
Several years ago, some rare German moonglows (among loads of other glass buttons) appeared on the market from a German seller.
I had never seen such moonglow pictorials before or in such colors! As you can guess, they got bought up quickly!
At the time, I questioned the seller at length about their provenance. I wanted to make absolutely sure these were not modern Czech, that had been pouring into the button world. After his detailed explanations below, I was satisfied these are in fact mid 20C, and made in Germany.

Here's what original seller told me...
"All of the Buttons (95 %) i sell Are from the Same Source - it was a Factory in the South of Germany - the produce Till the Late 60s!
They produce Buttons for la Mode, Schwanda and so on! 
The Are all Vintage - no one is made in szech!!! 
I Know the Name, the adress and the Family who produce the Buttons - you have To understand me - its bot possible to say whitch one it is 
City: Kaufbeuren (Germany)  
I buy the tongs, the machiens, the Cards, Muster, and so on .... 
The Buttons Are Made one by one by a tong - sometimes the use Different tongs - or Different Glas, Different strengh of Pressing 
Thats why some Are stronger! 
I Hope thats enough To convince you ! 
You have To forget that the Buttons Are Produced by a Maschine - there was a Room Full of Glasmen with tongs and the produce the Buttons (press) one by on out of Long Glas - forget the new stuff from szech (just a Maschine - they produce 1.000 Buttons or more in one Hour)! The Buttons i sell - they produce 50 - 100 a day - with painting!

There you have it!