A home use only Lifefitness Integrity Deluxe treadmill with the amazing 21” SSE3HD console, including Netflix, Internet browser and even Cards and chess.

Used lightly, under 1600 miles, 2022 build

The Life Fitness Integrity SSE3HD treadmill features a powerful 4-HP AC Continuous Duty (8-HP Peak Duty) Moto and can reach a top speed of 14mph. The 15% incline will challenge any user and the spacious 56 x 152 cm running area allows for a smooth, comfortable run. Plus, the FlexDeck 2.0 Shock Absorption (with 8 Lifespring shock absorbers) delivers consistent cushioning to reduce impact to your joints by up to 30%. Complete with the Discover SE3 HD console, exercisers are given all the connection they need to have an engaging and memorable workout experience. With the high definition, 21.5-inch 1080p TV, users can navigate around the contemporary dashboard design with ease. Engaging layouts and entertainment options like TV, streaming video and internet compatibility allow the Discover SE3 HD console to bring facilities to the forefront of the digital fitness world. A huge range of in-built programmes gives exercisers all the motivation and challenge they need, including 6 interactive courses, time, distance, calories, climb, HR, intervals, 7 fit tests, custom facility workouts, custom exerciser workouts and performance run. Users also have access to “Performance run view”, making it easing for users to engage in interval training, with speed and incline changes with the press of a button (customisable through Halo Fitness Cloud).

Obviously collection only in a suitable van, or happy to allow the buyer to organise a courier pick up.