Languages: French, English

Subtitles: French, English

In 2029, super-powerful computers dominate the planet and aim for the pure and simple extermination of the human race! To destroy the future of man, they decide to modify the past and for this, they send an indestructible cyborg, the Terminator, on a journey through time. His mission is to kill Sarah Connor, the woman whose unborn child will become the only hope of the human species...

DVD ZONE 2 NEW Languages: French, English Subtitles: French, English In 2029, super-powerful computers dominate the planet and aim for the pure and simple extermination of the human race! To destroy the future of man, they decide to modify the past and for this, they send an indestructible cyborg, the Terminator, on a journey through time. His mission is to kill Sarah Connor, the woman whose unborn child will become the only hope of the human species...