The Inequality of Wealth [Hardcover], Grit, Joy at Work [Hardcover] & Build Your Sales Tribe 4 Books Collection Set:

Description :

The Inequality of Wealth [Hardcover]:
In this bold new book, former Treasury Minister Liam Byrne explains why wealth inequality has grown so fast in recent years; warns how it threatens our society, economy and politics; shows where economics has got it wrong - and lays out a path back to common sense, with five practical ways to rebuild an old ideal: the wealth-owning democracy.

Joy at Work [Hardcover]:
In Joy at Work, KonMari method pioneer Marie Kondo and organizational psychologist Scott Sonenshein will help you to refocus your mind on what's important at work, and as their examples show, the results can be truly life-changing. With advice on how to improve the way you work, the book features advice on problem areas.

Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding achievement. Winningly personal, insightful and powerful, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that - not talent or luck - makes all the difference.

Build Your Sales Tribe:
Build Your Sales Tribe is a manual for navigating this change and bringing your business into the future. It is based on a fundamental tenet: if you don t have a solid commercial approach, scaling a business is near impossible. In the Information Age, generalist salespeople for simple sales , those used by most business-to-consumer (B2C) and some business-to-business (B2B).