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    Product Details
  • 224 Pages
  • 820 Photos & Illustrations
  • Paperback
  • Colour
  • Published in 2020
  • Part of the Enthusiast's Restoration Manual Series
How to Restore Norton Commando - Enthusiast's Restoration Manual
By Chris Rooke

Written in a friendly and accessible manner by an enthusiast of many years, this book provides a thorough and detailed restoration guide for the Norton Commando, complete with step-by-step instructions, and hundreds of colour photos.

This manual is aimed at owners and enthusiasts of the legendary Norton Commando, and covers all areas of restoration from the sourcing of the bike to its completion as a fully restored machine. Starting with advice on the different models, spares availability and where best to source a bike to restore, the book then covers the complete dismantling and restoration of the bike. Describing the engine, frame, gearbox, wheels, suspension and forks, brakes, ancillaries, bodywork, and electrics, the text is illustrated with hundreds of clear colour photos.

What really sets this manual apart is the style in which it is written: not as some dull and distant workshop manual but in a friendly, humorous manner by an enthusiast of many years who is able to involve and entertain the reader, as well as providing a thorough and detailed restoration guide.

This is the third motorcycle restoration guide from an author whose previous works have been a massive hit with mechanics, enthusiasts and restorers throughout the world.

  • Covers the complete step-by-step restoration of a Norton Commando classic motorcycle
  • Very clear and detailed descriptions of each step written in a friendly, informal manner
  • Written by an experienced motorcycle enthusiast who understands the problems home restorers face
  • Hundreds of clear colour photos detail every step in great detail
  • The author shares his mistakes and the problems he encountered for the benefit of others
  • Dismantling and restoration of the engine, frame, forks, wheels, brakes, electrics, bodywork and cycle parts all covered in full detail
  • Encouragement and knowledge for the home mechanic to complete their own restoration, no matter what their level of skill or experience.
  • Relevant to all Norton Commando models from 1968-1975
  • Advice given on the different models and which one to choose to restore
  • Expert advice delivered in a friendly and accessible manner – a joy to read!
Table of Contents
Introduction 6
A bit about the author 6
Acknowledgements 7
1. Buying a bike to restore 8
Lessons learnt 14
2. Golden rules for restoring a bike 15
Ten golden rules for a successful rebuild. 15
Lessons learnt 17
Rules of the workshop 17
3. Preparing to dismantle 18
Lessons learnt 20
4. Beginning to dismantle 21
Lessons learnt 24
5. Removing the main electrics 25
Lessons learnt 27
6. Dismantling the rear wheel & brake assembly 28
Lessons learnt 31
Rear wheels on earlier models 32
7. Removing the carbs, airbox & remaining wiring 33
Lessons learnt 35
8. Draining the oil 36
Lessons learnt 38
9. Removing the swinging arm & timing cover 39
Lessons learnt 45
10. Dismantling the timing & primary chaincases 46
Lessons learnt 52
11. Dismantling the   gearbox 53
Lessons learnt 58
12. Removing the cylinder head 59
Lessons learnt 65
13. Removing & dismantling the crankcases 66
Lessons learnt 71
14. Removing the front wheel, forks & yokes 72
Lessons learnt 75
15. Dismantling the      wheels 76
Lessons learnt 79
16. Chroming, polishing,  painting & parts 80
Lessons learnt 83
17. Polishing engine casings & other alloy parts 84
Lessons learnt 87
18. Reassembling the crankshaft & crankcases 88
Lessons learnt 94
19. Fitting the crankcases & isolastics 95
Lessons learnt 101
20. Rebuilding the front forks & front wheel 102
Lessons learnt 105
21. Refitting the front wheel & front calliper 106
Lessons learnt 109
22. Fitting the timing case 110
Lessons learnt 113
23. Fitting the cylinder barrels 114
Lessons learnt 118
24. Refurbishing & refitting the cylinder heads 119
Lessons learnt 125
25. Rebuilding the    gearbox 126
Lessons learnt 134
26. Primary chaincase reassembly 136
Lessons learnt 142
Earlier models 143
27. Carburettors 144
Lessons learnt 151
28. Fitting the head     steady 153
Lessons learnt 155
29. The starter motor 156
Lessons learnt 159
30. Horn & oil feed system 160
Lessons learnt 163
31. Handlebar switches 164
Lessons learnt 167
32. Wiring & electrics 168
The charging system 170
The ignition system 172
The lighting system (and instruments) 174
Lessons learnt 177
33. Fitting the support plates 178
Lessons learnt 179
34. Refitting the rear wheel & mudguard 180
Lessons learnt 185
35. Refurbishing the brakes 186
Lessons learnt 192
Earlier models with drum brakes 192
36. Painting the tank & side panels 193
Lessons learnt 198
37. Fitting the tank & side panels 199
Lessons learnt 200
38. Commissioning, teething & riding 201
Commissioning 201
Teething problems 204
Riding  207
Lessons learnt 207
39. Summing up 208
40. Recommended publications & equipment 212
Publications 212
General workshop tools 213
More recommended tools 214
Sockets 214
Special tools  214
Power tools 215
Spare nuts, bolts, washers and thingummies  215
Consumables 216
Keeping things clean  216
Freezer bags 216
Other essential tools 216
Bike lift  216
Lessons learnt 217
41. Recommended   suppliers 218
Recommended parts and service suppliers 218
Owners’ clubs 219
Facebook groups 219
Index 224