This is a preorder item. Don't buy if you can't wait until May 2024. I always fulfill preorders. Disregard the ship date on the eBay ad itself.

I have done this process many times before with many items on Amazon so you can have utmost confidence that I will deliver on your purchase.

My order is confirmed and I have attached a screenshot of my order confirmation with my personal info omitted.

Estimated delivery from Amazon is May 2024. I will keep you updated every step of the way.

I will send all Hasbro communications to the buyer throughout the process.

You must pay within 24 hours.

I will change the shipping address of the order on the website to your shipping address so it will ship DIRECTLY TO YOU

I am unable to ship internationally

NO RETURNS, NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS. In purchasing these items you are agreeing to the sale being final, and that you have no further questions that could or would result in your dissatisfaction with the purchase up to and including any issues related to shipping and anything happening to the item outside of my control.

Feel free to send me any messages about the item or the listing so that this transaction is as clear and transparent as possible.