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1973 Rev. Kenny McComas Miracle Man Christian Sermon Vinyl LP Record VG+ SIGNED

This service was recorded at the Temple Baptist Church, Kingsport, Tennessee where Dr. Pennell is
Pastor. This great Church recently dedicated their new ultra modem 1500 seat auditorium. This also happens
to be the Host Church for the 1973 South Wide Baptist Fellowship.
Other featured speakers in the Bible Conference were Evangelist Maze Jackson, Dr. Tom Malone and
Dr. B.R. Lakin. The Church was packed for almost every session. Chairs had to be put down and some
late arrivals were forced to stand.
The impact of Kenny McComas’ testimony on the lives of those present and those who have heard it
on record is phenomenal. Many souls have been saved, some have surrendered to the Gospel Ministry and
others the Mission field. Backsliders have come back to God and Christians have been challenged to a new
faith in the Lord. One man drove over 200 miles to meet Kenny and hear him preach after hearing this
As you join this Service by recording, Dr. Bill Pennell is welcoming guest evangelists and pastors, and
Rev. Wesley Grant, a black minister from Asheville, N.C., leads in prayer and sings before Dr. McComas
begins the message. You are in for one of the spiritual treats of your life.
The Temple Baptist Church of Kingsport, Tennessee has been privileged
to have some of the greatest preachers in America to preach the gospel from
its pulpit, but a highlight in our Church was a recent Bible Conference with
Dr. B. R. Lakin, Evangelist, Dr. Tom Malone, Pastor, College president and
author, and Dr. W. K. McComas.
A large group of preachers and laymen were present to hear the message
on this record which is the most powerful personal testimony I have ever
heard. The outline of Kenny McComas' life and the miraculous events our
blessed Lord has led this man through is a great phenomenon.
From the rough and rugged hill country of West Virginia, America's
most picturesque state, came a young life from privation, disease, apprehen-
sion, [illiteracy, and poverty to organize and build one of the most fantastic
ministries in America. He has applied the extraordinary razor sharp mind
God has given him to hours upon hours of study until he has reached a
zenith of earthly success that few men of his background ever attained.
He is a musician, a scholarly author, and dynamic master pulpiteer. He
is the Pastor of the great Calvary Baptist Church of Rittman, Ohio which
he founded and continues to lead to greater and greater success. He has
authored several books which have enjoyed great success but probably his
most famous to date is the life story of Dr. B.R. Lakin, entitled "50 Years
of Plowing, Planting and Watering." The Mid western Baptist College bestowed
the Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree on Bro. McComas at a recent
This album contains one of the many life changing sermons he has re-
corded, but the spirit and power of this message will stir you as none you
William W. Pennell, Pastor
"Meet Kenny McComas, The Miracle Man", of this record album.
He is Holy Ghost inspired and endued.
It has been my privilege, through the years, to work with literally
thousands of men, the majority of whom I have implicit confidence.
It was my joy to labor under the mighty inspired leadership of Kenny
McComas, and my life will never be the same.
In all these God-blessed years of travel and meetings, I have met no
man whose life is more of a fantastic display of God's power than that
of Kenny McComas. His life, his ministry, and his testimony are an
example of God's supernatural power upon this miracle man.
His voice on this record will be a Godsend, to inspire and bless all
who purchase this album. It should be secured by every Christian, and
shared with every unbeliever.

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